quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Curso de Organização e Arbitragem - Presencial

Curso de Introdução à Organização e
Arbitragem de Xadrez - Presencial
ID CBX 1645/12


Estaremos organizando o Curso de Introdução à Organização e Arbitragem de Xadrez Presencial nos dias 30 de junho e 01 de julho de 2012.
O curso é aberto a professores das áreas de ensino Municipal, Estadual e Particular, Jogadores, Técnicos e público em geral simpatizante do esporte. A árbitros para atualização.

O curso abrangerá os seguintes temas:

a) Organização de eventos enxadrísticos
Primeiros passos
Tempo de reflexão

b) Sistemas de Emparceiramento                     
I) Exemplo prático
II) Suíço/Schuring
III) Comentários Programas de emparceiramento

c) Leis da FIDE e sua interpretação
d) Comportamento do árbitro

NOVO LOCAL: Vila dos Ingleses, Rua Mauá, 836 casa 22, Próximo ao 
metrô e Estação da Luz.  São Paulo - SP.

INSCRIÇÕES: Inscrições ao valor de R$80,00, na c/c. 24634-5 do Itaú, agência 0300 em nome de Adriano Caldeira até o dia 20/06/2012. Enviar comprovante de deposito bancário para adriano_chess@hotmail.com

VAGAS: Limitadas a 30 participantes.

ORGANIZADOR: MF Adriano Caldeira.

ÁRBITRO: AI Carlos Calleros 041-9632-4670 calleroschess@gmail.com

DÚVIDAS: com Adriano Caldeira, e-mail adriano_chess@hotmail.com ou pelo telefone 011-8602-7106.

No início do curso, os participantes receberão as apostilas para Acompanhamento e arquivos que poderão ser copiados em pendrive.

Sábado 30/06/2012  
09:00h - 13:00h e 14:30h - 19:30h

Domingo 01/07/2012 
09:00h - 13:00h, 14:30h - 18:00h, Repasse matéria, 19:00h - Avaliação.    

Curso com um total de 17 horas, os participantes receberão Certificado de conclusão do Curso, emitido pelo Coordenador Responsável.

O Curso conta com a chancela da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez – CBX.

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Kuña Arandu 2012

Grupo Elite Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

NameRtgFED12345678910Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMCubas Jose Fernando2534PAR*½1111½½117.50.030.753.5
2GMVera Reynaldo2489CUB½*½½½1½½1½5.50.523.252.0
3GMZambrana Oswaldo2467BOL0½*½1½1½1½5.50.521.752.0
Latorre Matias2235PAR0½½*½½½1½15.
5GMDelgado Neuris2591COL0½0½*½½½114.
6IMLujan Carolina2367ARG00½½½*1½½½4.01.516.001.5
7GMBachmann Axel2566PAR½½0½½0*1014.
8IMSoppe Guillermo2423ARG½½½0½½0*½14.00.517.002.0
9IMVillalba Marcelo2233PAR000½0½1½*½3.00.011.500.5
10IMSanchez Castillo Sarai2234VEN0½½00½00½*

Diretora General Nilda Cardozo y el vencedor 
GM José Cubas - PAR

El Gobernador del-Amambay, Bartolomé Ancho Ramirez jugando contra Matias-Latorre 
(de pies AI Carlos Callero). Latorre consegue norma de MI

Grupo Premier Final Ranking crosstable after 9 rounds

NomeEloFED12345678910Pts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1WIMHeredia Serrano Carla2167ECU*½½1½111117.
2WFMChumpitaz Ann2220PER½*0111111½7.
Fernandez Maria Florencia 2150ARG½1*½10111½6.50.027.502.0
4WIMColombo Camila2056URU00½*011½½14.
5WFMChang Suzana2013BRA½001*01½0½3.51.014.751.5
6WCMBorda Carla1982BOL00101*0½½½3.51.014.501.0
Martinez Ayelen2107ARG000001*11½3.
8WIMCordero Daniela2090BOL000½½½0*½13.01.510.250.5
Perez Dalila1739PAR000½1½0½*½3.01.010.500.5
10WIMMunoz Carolina1994CRC0½½0½½½0½*3.00.513.501.0

A partida decisiva
Chumpitaz do PER, vice-campeã consegue Norma

Classificação final após 9 rondas

NomeFEDEloPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
Butti EnriquePAR20347.049.538.533.5
Florentin DamasoPAR18316.543.534.530.5
Ibanez JuanPAR19256.047.538.033.5
Romero DanielaCOL18326.045.536.532.5
Apuril JosePAR18865.549.538.534.0
6WCMAvalos LeticiaPAR16935.545.534.530.5
Lipiniks LeonardoPAR18515.543.534.532.5
Colautti MarcelaARG19735.046.537.533.5
Kanzler Karina DanielaBRA19535.045.536.532.5
Rivarola PaulPAR17195.039.532.028.0
Martinez SantiagoPAR16934.542.035.031.0
Kobayashi Cintia KawashitaBRA19594.541.033.029.0
Bella LorenaARG04.533.028.025.5
Rios IaraPAR04.038.029.527.0
Genes Paredes Dhara CamilaPAR14114.035.026.524.0
Britez JorgePAR04.
Rodriguez CamilaPAR04.032.527.025.0
Fretes AracelyPAR04.030.525.023.0
Bella JuanARG02.530.524.524.5
Martinez AnahiPAR02.040.532.028.0
Fanego FranciscoPAR02.035.029.527.5
Rojas Maria FePAR00.021.016.516.5

 Leonardo Lipiniks, de óculos à direita, aos 82 anos.

Jogadoras do Grupo C, última rodada.

  O Campeão do Grupo C, Henrique Butti.

 Os Arbitros Internacionais
Francisco Ochelli PAR e Carlos Calleros BRA,
Rosário Hernandez MEX à esquerda Adjunto Grupo B

 Equipe de Arbitragem do Kuña Arandu, faltando Ernesto Gomes

Información: Zenón Franco Ocampos (jefe de prensa)
Fotos: Diego Londoño de En Bola Comunicaciones

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

Aberto do Brasil em Lages - SC

Inscrições somente por e-mail, até às 18h do dia anterior a competição.
a) Estar em dia com a anuidade 2012 da FCX, na qual será exigido no local, o pagamento de R$ 5,00 por ano/enxadrista;
b) Consultar o Rating FCX (http://www.fcx.org.br/ratingfcx2012.xls), bem como sua divisão e ID FCX;
c) Preencher o formulário (http://www.fcx.org.br/inscricaorapido2012.xls), constando: Nome completo do jogador / data nascimento / ID FCX (caso tenha) / Rating FCX / Categoria / Clube-Associação / Telefone para contato;
d) Enviar e-mail até 08/06/2012 para kaisermafra@hotmail.com o arquivo em anexo;
e) Acompanhar as inscrições no site do http://chess-results.com/;
f) Os pagamentos e confirmações deverão ser realizados no dia e no local de competição das 08h às 10h.

terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012

Xadrez que Liberta

 O Projeto “Xadrez que Liberta” concebido e gerido pelo Vice Presidente Financeiro da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez Prof. Charles Moura Netto e que tem como consultor o GM Darcy Lima Vice Presidente da FIDE Américas e Consultor da Federação Internacional de Xadrez para projetos sociais obteve reconhecimento internacional inédito. É finalista (está entre os 13 finalistas) do prêmio Spirit of Sports, prêmio este dado pelo Sportaccord órgão maior do Esporte Mundial e que tem como seus filiados a FIFA, o COI e todos os organismos esportivos mundiais Veja o link
Outra noticia que traz imensa alegria é a adoção do projeto em Presídios Femininos do mundo como política através da Sra Bachelet , ex-Presidente do Chile e atual Diretora Executiva para políticas para as mulheres da ONU. Para isso se reúnem com a Sra Bachelet os dois participantes do projeto, Prof Charles Moura Netto e GM Darcy Lima juntamente com o Presidente da CBX, o AI Pablyto Baioco Ribeiro, no inicio de junho na sede da ONU em Nova York Veja o link

Fonte: www.cbx.org.br

U. N. Women meets with FIDE Print
Tuesday, 08 May 2012 10:43
DraBacheletUNWomenandBeatrizMarinelloFIDEVPMay 7, 2012

United Nations for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (U. N. Women) meets with World Chess Federation (FIDE) to discuss partnersip

The U.N. Women Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Bachelet and FIDE Vice President, Beatriz Marinello met to discuss a partnership between both organizations.

Meaningful dialect with global organizations such as U.N. Women serve as a positive motivator for great accomplishments, in and outside of the chess community. Working towards a common goal can result in a very positive exchange, one which can have great benefits for humanity.

The United Nations General Assembly approved the creation of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women—known simply as U.N. Women in 2010. Intended to give (in Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s words) “a much stronger voice for women and for gender equality” around the world, the organization replaced four underfunded and obscure bureaucracies devoted to women with a single entity that would finally give half the world’s population the high-profile platform it deserved.

Leading the new organization and charged with boosting it’s profile is one of the world’s most powerful and inspiring women, Dr. Michelle Bachelet, the former president of Chile.

Both U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that they worked hard to persuade Dr. Bachelet to accept the post, pledging their support, convincing her that U.N. Women would be more than the sum of it’s predecessors, and appealing to her sense of duty to help women.

For the World Chess Federation (FIDE), partnering with like-minded organizations for a common goal is key to the betterment of our societies. For those of us who have dedicated our lives to chess and the promotion of it’s educational value, it makes perfect sense to make the connections in and outside of our communities because we have witnessed first-hand the benefits of chess.

Chess as a tool to promote positive change has long been a focus across many countries including the United States. Many organizations are working to bridge the gap between the social and economic differences that impact people across the world.

Chess involves all levels of critical thinking, improving areas of your brain across the two hemispheres - it’s the “brain booster”. It also encourages socialization skills that extend across cultures and generations. It only makes sense that we promote chess, not solely for the game, but the benefits it provides.

How can chess extend it’s impact and make a greater difference? This is a question which searches for many answers, there is no one ‘right way’, there are many ways.

The World Chess Federation "FIDE" has been moving in the direction of integrating more women in leadership roles within the organization. The current FIDE Vice President, Beatriz Marinello, was the first woman elected as a member of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) Presidential Board (2010), and she was also the first woman elected President of the U.S. Chess Federation in 2003. As a member of the chess community for over 34 years, she has worked hard promoting chess both on a national and international level.

The meeting between the U.N. Women Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Bachelet and FIDE Vice President, Beatriz Marinello included talks about chess, women’s role in chess, the importance of empowering girls and women aiming for equality and building a better world for all of us.

The initial projects will focus on leadership and participation by introducing chess to young girls ages 4-6. Gender equality in chess is a big issue, 19% of the FIDE National Federations don't have women with FIDE ratings, and the percentage of women and girls who play chess in the world is around 2% of the overall population of chess players (including casual players).

The second project discussed during this meeting was support for women in prisons aiming to empower them and increase their self esteem.

There will be a follow up meeting to touch base on the process of the strategic plans for these two new projects. GM Darcy Lima, FIDE Advisor for Social Projects, Mr. Pablyto Ribeiro, and Mr. Charles Neto are also expected to attend the meeting at U.N. Women to give a presentation of the Brazilian Model for the Prison system and the connection with chess.

This partnership is the beginning of a new approach that can help women to increase their participation in chess and break the cultural barriers to empower girls and women to excel in mathematics, science and as leaders for the future.
Fonte: www.fide.com